Friday, January 26, 2007

Wood Burning Stove

Well there we were just chillaxing with a glass of wine in front of the telly chatting about our main subject which is of course the planning and building of our narrowboat as usual. I dont know why really when I said I wouldnt mind watching that "pay off your mortgage in two years" strange really as the whole point of our lifestyle change is to free ourselves of this kind of commitment, well turns out that this guy Dan and his family wanted to give paying off their mortgage a go to free up time to go surfing etc. Dan is a blacksmith artist who lives in St ives in Cornwall and had built several multifuel stoves out of recycled parts mainly an old gas cylinder and bits from old VW engines. He has started a business to produce a limited number of 350 of these stoves called Hotpods. Well we fell in love with them tried the website while the program was being transmitted and his website was grinding to a halt (apparently when I spoke to him the following day they had 25,000 hits). So last weekend we shot up to a showroom in Stockton upon Tees which was the closest place to us where we could see one in the flesh "we loved it" so bit the bullet and ordered one, we just cant wait to sit there in front of our stove toasting crumpets on a chilly evening.